“I want to post a 24 second clip from my xbox game dvr and upload it to reddit videos. I downloaded the .mp4 and when I drag/browse for the file it will go in(under post, Image & Video), and look like the video is uploaded(I can watch the video in the image&video under post). I put a title and flair and click post. the video never gets posted. I have tried several different filetypes and from my pc (chrome) and iphone (app). Please help me.”

“The video loads, I add the title and press Post. Then it's stuck on 'Submitting...' for a very long time and I give up. It's on the Android app.”

Those are 2 questions being asked by Reddit users and many people still wondering how to post videos on Reddit. Today we’re going to make an all-side tutorial about uploading video to Reddit on different devices and fix certain errors like “can’t upload video to Reddit” as well.

Part 1: What Video Format does Reddit Support

Being a popular discussion website, Reddit allows registered members to submit content to the site such as text post, images, videos and useful links, covering a wide range of categories. Reddit is genuinely a wealth of information and discussion as an open and close-knit community. When it comes to posting a video to Reddit, there are specific requirements:

how to upload video to reddit
  • Supported video formats: MOV, MP4
  • Maximum file size: 1GB
  • Maximum video length: 15 minutes
  • Mobile App: iOS and Android
  • Internet: Stable internet connection